Election 2024 – Water and the First Debate

The Debate

When I first looked at the charts of Biden and Trump, nothing jumped out. Then, I looked at the (June 27, 2024) Debate with the Sibly chart for the USA and it really struck me.
This was a benefic transit to a benefic configuration.
How could this Debate be benefic for the country?

The Sibly chart is the USA chart that has the reputation of being elected, maybe reflective of the Masonic design for the country. So, when I look at that chart, that idea filters my perception. Why this election? What does this configuration say about us as a country?

I see the 7th house stellium in Cancer as our softer, idealistic side. Venus and Jupiter combine to exude the optimism and good intentions that our country tries to project to the parties it is negotiating with. The Sun shines the light of Truth on our actions and motivations. Mercury is in the 8th house (using Placidus), but it is also there in Cancer, helping us express ourselves in the best possible way as we spread our message of hope.

For a long time, I have not quite seen the USA this way, but I have been in thoughtful discussions about it, so I know other people still do. In either case, I think it is what the USA wants to project. It is also what people in our country want to believe, even when they cannot because they’ve seen too much evidence to the contrary.

In the Debate, this benefic configuration was being transited by the Sun on our Jupiter Venus, highlighting them even more. Transiting Venus was also on our Sun, adding more beauty and harmony. And Mercury was on our Mercury, reinforcing the role of communication and expression.
How could it be so positive?

So I decided to look back at the candidates, focusing on the transiting planets in Cancer.

Donald Trump

Trump had planets being hit by this same configuration. The Sun and Venus were on his Mercury helping his communication style. Putting aside the content of what he said, he passed the test because he did not lose his temper or move away from his podium to argue more forcefully or do any of the other over-the-top things that I was expecting.

Mercury is on his Saturn Venus. Mercury transits are not really notable, but I’m noticing the Venus repetition and also thinking that Saturn relates to the restraint.

Joe Biden

Biden does not have much connection to the transiting planets I’ve been discussing, just transiting Mercury a little more than 3 degrees away from his Jupiter.
Then I noticed the trine in his Scorpio 12th house.

I’m not sure what to say about that either.
His Mars is trine transiting Venus, and both are dignified, so that would seem to activate him a bit. Together, Mars and Venus are down to earth and tangible.
I don’t feel like that really describes what I saw.
Mercury is trine his Mercury, which reinforces communication and repeats the theme we saw with the other charts…

Then, I noticed the other trine with planets in Pisces.
The other trine puts Saturn trine his Mercury. For Trump, Saturn’s influence is helpful, restraining his expression and helping his delivery. But for Biden, Saturn could be a blockage, the emergence of his stuttering. His inability to speak.

The Moon Neptune of the transit was trine Biden’s Sun Venus. I think this added something hazy and nebulous to his presentation and visibility.
The thought I got from the Moon Neptune in Pisces and the overall emphasis of water was:
Overwhelmed by water

Donald Trump

Both of these are also hitting Trump. What does this other trine do?
In his case the Moon Neptune is near Trump’s Venus Saturn. Venus Saturn is a nice, cool combination. Elegant and refined.
I think the Moon Neptune possibly softened his approach, romanticizing things.a bit.

The Election

From there, I wanted to see how this analysis could improve my understanding of what is to come. I didn’t think I would use them, so I left the time and location alone. It created interesting angles, but we should ignore them.

Joe Biden

I started with Biden to see the impact on his Scorpio 12th house planets.
On the evening of the Election, the transiting Sun is on his Mars and the transiting Saturn is trine both of these. Saturn Mars is hard work, and the Sun is highlighting that. But will it be enough?

Neptune is still trine Biden’s Sun Venus. Hopefully the Sun Saturn highlighting Mars will help him work through the haze and build something substantial.

Donald Trump

On the day of the election, the Sun is trine Saturn and these form a grand trine with Trump’s Mercury. I think this can help him again with stability and restraint.

Neptune is still trine Trump’s Venus Saturn. I think it will still be a nice aspect for him, softening the edges.

USA Sibly

The Sun trine Saturn is trine the USA Sun in Cancer. I’ve been worried about the stability of our country after this election, but it seems like Sun Saturn says the opposite.

Neptune is trine Mercury, so perceptions and communications may be a bit unclear.

In contrast to the Debate, there aren’t many connections to this stellium. Jupiter and Pluto (of course) draw your eye to other transits.


I just focused on one one part of the chart, but I feel like it was still illuminating. The theme of Sun Saturn and stability, the prominence of Venus, it doesn’t match my fears.

Hopefully, the Sun Saturn theme is not an authoritarian sign.

not just details!
Posts created 11

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