Vibrational Astrology analysis of the impact of the 5V family of vibrations that were the strongest transit in January 2021 at the time of the Inauguration after the 2020 Election in the United States
Election 2020 – USA Sibly Chart
In this post, I want to view transits for when the polls close for the US election and for the Inauguration speech in relation to the US Sibly chart. I realize there are other charts for the United States that would place the planets in different houses, but this chart seems to be when the […]
Election 2020 – Republican Suns
This is the second in an Election 2020 series focusing in on particular parts of the charts of the candidates. I realize that it’s best to consider a whole chart, but sometimes it’s worthwhile to focus in and explore one thing. In this case, I have decided to focus on the Suns of the Republican […]
Election 2020 – Democratic Moons
This is the first in an Election 2020 series focusing in on particular parts of the charts of the candidates. I realize that it’s best to consider a whole chart, but sometimes it’s worthwhile to focus in and explore one thing. In this case, I have decided to focus on the Moons of the Democratic […]